There’s Nothing Exceptional About The FIFA World Cup


Am I the only American sports fan that’s proud to admit I don’t know any of the rankings or current standings in the World Cup? Living in Orlando, Florida I’m no stranger to cultural diversity, but I’m convinced that most American men only watch the sport to medicate their NFL and NBA withdrawals. I’m also convinced that there’s no better way to advance a globalist mentality than to use unsuspecting fans cheering for world integration.

I couldn’t care less about the FIFA World Cup, and soccer in general for that matter. I love watching traditional American sports like baseball, football, and basketball because they take me back to a time and place as a kid growing up in Los Angeles when I got to cheer for greats like Fernando Valenzuela and Orel Hershiser of the Dodgers, Eric Dickerson and Kevin Greene of the then L.A. Rams, and Magic and Kareem of the Lakers. More importantly, despite growing up in a neighborhood that was predominantly black and Mexican no one was ashamed to be American. In fact, we were downright proud.

The Olympics has a special place in my heart as well. I get a thrill rooting for USA teams and individual athletes kick butt over their foreign competitors. The sense of nationalism and pride that comes over me as I watch the events unfold and the medal ceremonies is often indescribable. There’s something comforting about knowing you’re the best. Admittedly, I like pretending our athlete’s wouldn’t win If I weren’t on my couch cheering and coaching them on. When it comes to World Cup soccer however, I’d rather be bored to tears or outraged by another one of President Obama’s speeches, and I finally figured out why.

During the Olympics our nation’s athletes go to prove that we’re home to the best athletes in the world. During the World Cup our athlete’s go to prove we belong. We’re just one among many;  we’re not an Exceptional nation, just another nation. During the Olympics the world envies us, but during the World Cup they pity us.

When President Obama proclaimed he wanted to “fundamentally change America,” the implication was something is wrong with America’s founding. When he later went on to say that he sees America as an exceptional nation just as every other citizen believes their country is exceptional, he was implying that there’s nothing fundamentally distinct or special about America. The problem is he was wrong!

Where are the American parents that are sending their children on trains to Honduras, Mexico, or Guatemala in hopes of freedom and opportunity? Where are the Cubans or Haitians risking their lives in tiny little boats to make it back to their native land? Have you seen the news reports of American feminist and gays bombarding our airports for a chance to join Meriam Ibrahim in the jails of the Sudan? How about the ships full of black entrepreneurs, college students, and even minimum-wage workers that can’t wait to get back to the mother land in hopes of the “African Dream,” have you seen that? Where are the labor unions picketing in the rice fields of China or North Korea?

Do you think the young Christian girls kidnapped by the Boko Haram Muslim terrorist in Nigeria would rather see their attackers being read their Miranda Rights in America as they await trial, or do you believe they want to read the Tweets from our First Lady as their innocence is taken from them? When the world sets out on a google search for freedom of thought and religion, opportunity, and a better way of life one place comes to mind…America!

In the words of our President, “let me be clear,” Liberals are determined to bring America down to size. Whether it’s Senator Harry Reid and Eric Holder bullying sports teams like the Washington Redskins (I’ll be sure to wash my mouth out with soap) that connect us to traditional Americanism, or local mayors and media promoting the FIFA World Cup -can you imagine a better strategy to have Americans adopt the globalization of America than through sports?

You knew that the President would never let “a good crisis go to waste.” Now you know the same goes for sports.

Trader B.O.


By NostraDennis

Barack Obama, the man, has been a puzzlement to millions of people. Some believe he’s a Communist, a Manchurian candidate. Others say he was born in Kenya, thus, should never have been nominated for president in the first place. Still others claim he might even be the Anti-Christ, and his appearance is a precursor for the end of this world as we know it. Here’s the most sensible theory I’ve heard so far. Barack Obama is the Anti-Kyle MacDonald.

In case the name Kyle MacDonald doesn’t ring a bell, here’s his story. MacDonald, a Canadian blogger, made a series of trades, documented on his blog, over the course of a year. He started with a red paper clip, which he traded in July 2005 for a pen shaped like a fish. He traded the pen for a hand-sculpted doorknob, the doorknob for a Coleman stove, the stove for a generator, and so on. Finally, he traded a role in a Kevin Costner movie to actor Corbin Bernsen (don’t ask – just don’t ask) for a two-story farmhouse in Saskatchewan. Sure, it was a fixer-upper. But not a bad deal for, in essence, the price of one red paper clip.

Barack Obama has done some amazing things when it comes to trades as well. The Bowe Bergdahl swap is only the most recent, and arguably the most lopsided, of the bunch. We got back a soldier who walked off his base for five of the most dangerous prisoners in Club Gitmo. If a baseball or football general manager made a deal like that, he’s not only be fired, but tarred and feathered as well.

We should not be surprised that Mr. Obama has been such a prolific trader. Five days before his first inauguration, he promised that we were “five days away from fundamentally transforming the United States of America”. He’s certainly done that.

Before he was even nominated in 2008, he made a promise that “under my plan of a cap and trade system, electricity rates would necessarily skyrocket”, and added “…if somebody wants to build a coal-powered plant, they can. It’s just that it will bankrupt them.” Since his election, he’s forced this nation into trading dependable energy sources, drawn from our nation’s own resources, for untested, and so far grossly inadequate alternatives. He “invested” $520 million of our money into the Solyndra solar power company, whose owners were big contributors to his election campaign. Solyndra ultimately went bankrupt, and its physical plant and facilities ended up being sold for $30 million. That’s a return of less than 6 cents on the dollar. Not a profit – a return. That’s some trade.

President Obama “invested” $2.8 billion of our money into the Cash for Clunkers program, which coerced the owners of 690,000 fully functional vehicles to trade them in for rebates on new cars. $2.8 billion in exchange for 690,000 crushed cubes of metal and glass – which, by the way, ended up damaging the environment in their cubic state far more than they did when they were on the road. According to the terms of the deal, the plastic, metal, glass and oil that made up these cubes was deposited straight into landfills, without even an attempt to recycle the materials.

The president has also forced a radical new health care system down our throats, despite repeated promises that millions of Americans would be able to keep their current policies and their own doctors.  Those policies were crushed into useless cubes in the process, swapped for alternative coverage that’s more expensive and ill-suited for those same millions of Americans.

And how about that US economy? While it’s very rare for an economy with the size and strength of ours to actually shrink, it’s happened several times since Barack Obama took office. The most recent quarter with negative GDP growth was the first quarter of THIS year. And here we were told the worst was over.

You can’t have a shrinking economy without a shrinking workforce. Mr. Obama has presided over an amazing double shot of shrinkage. At the same time, there are fewer Americans working full-time than there were when he took office, there are also fewer Americans looking for work. Our president has traded the work ethic for which our nation used to be known for the “why-bother” attitude that’s resulted in more food stamps, more unemployment claims, and more welfare recipients than ever before.

Obama’s America is not only shrinking within its own borders, but globally as well. Ask any nation who called the United States an ally in 2008 whether our prestige and standing in the world has grown or shrunk since then. In fact, ask any nation who called us an enemy. The results are nearly unanimous. America is less than it was, and the trader responsible for this swap is Barack Obama.

We’ve got two and a half more years of poor swaps left, folks. If we’re lucky, by that time, we’ll still have that red paper clip.


NostraDennis is executive producer of  The American Adversaries Drive Time, which airs weekdays at 5pm Eastern on AM 660/The Answer in Orlando, Florida, and at Visit them

Ghetto Fabulous Money Management, Democrats, and Seattle’s New Minimum Wage


Remember the good old days (last month) when the minimum wage said you’ve begun rather than you’ve arrived?

I wish I were poor enough to receive food stamps and welfare so I could afford a new house and a Lexus, like some people I’ve seen. I’d prefer one silver in color, unlike my neighbor who drove a brand new beige LS 400 at the low income apartments I once resided in. Now, if you believe I’ve got things backwards after reading that last sentence, you’re right! However, for Democrats chaos and confusion is the new common sense.

Seattle’s new $15 per hour minimum wage is nothing but a covert scheme to bring a welfare entitlement mentality to white suburban America, and unfortunately for those of us on the right it’s working. Minorities living in the ‘hood grow up with aspirations of being rich like everyone else. However, since the Democrat takeover under Lyndon B. Johnson of urban communities, our thirst for government entitlements has blurred our ability to discern what it takes to really become wealthy, and devise a financial plan. We like to “floss.” For those of you that are dark skin challenged that means my community likes purchasing stuff that gives us the appearance that we’re wealthy even if we’re broke as a joke. This is the greed that the media all too often fails to expose.

Thanks to the Heritage Foundation here’s what we know about the minimum wage:

Less than 3 out of 100 or approximately 97 percent of workers receive the minimum wage. More than half of those that are being paid the minimum wage range in ages between 16 and 24, and they tend to work part time because they’re enrolled in school. Contrary to popular belief or propaganda, these jobs are usually occupied by entry level employee’s that live at home with their parents,  and not by the so called “working poor.” In fact, the average family income of minimum- wage workers exceed $53,000 per year, because more often than not they’re supplementing the incomes of the primary earner(s) at home. Just like anyone else that works hard at their jobs, minimum-wage workers can expect to get a raise and even a promotion within the first year of their job as they polish their skills and become more productive for their employer’s. Lastly, despite what you may hear, amongst minimum-wage workers very few single parents work full time hours- a proportion of just 4 percent of the total minimum-wage work force.

Here’s what the left pretends not to understand:

Increasing the minimum wage will never reduce poverty in America, simply because politicians can neither dictate or predict the profits and losses, or successes of small businesses across the country. In fact, if left up to the government, unemployment lines in America would grow exponentially.  If Joe Schmoe’s Burger’s in Seattle grossed $200,000 a year and it cost him $100,000 annually to run the business, including employee’s, and another 30 percent-40 percent (this is just a guesstimate) in state, local, and federal taxes before he got to take any cash home for himself, he might be able to increase his employee’s pay to $15 per hour-up from $9.32, but that also means he would have to drastically cut the hours of his employee’s, or even worse, fire some of them just to survive. Profit doesn’t grow on trees! This is the fairytale Democrat’s continually push. Why?

The answer is as simple as it is devious: The Democrat party succeeds when more people remain or become impoverished-or fail, and the Republican party succeeds when constituents remain or become financially independent-successful. Think about it.

Signs of the Times


By NostraDennis
One of the best things about the United States of America is that, while we are united, different states take different approaches to matters of law and justice. Some states have a death penalty in place; others do not. A few allow their residents to smoke marijuana legally; most do not. Some have strict gun laws in place, but one town in Georgia has passed legislation mandating that its residents must own a gun. Some call this an uneven playing field. I call it the great laboratory of freedom. When a room full of high school science students each has a beaker full of chemicals and a Bunsen burner, you can guarantee that some of those students will end up spattered with goo, while others will navigate their way to success. Let’s use this to solve a few of America’s biggest problems in one fell swoop.
Mayor Cameron Hamilton of Porterville, California has a novel approach to the issue of bullying. While discussing a proposal at a recent town council meeting to create a “bully-free safe zone” for students, Mayor Hamilton summarily dismissed the idea thusly: “I’m against bullying, but I’m getting damn tired of it being used as a mantra for everything and the ills of the world. People just have to grow a pair and stick up for their damn selves.”

One of the town’s councilwomen, Virginia Gurrola, parried that thrust by saying, “It’s hard to just grow a pair when you’re a ten year old girl”. While Councilwoman Gurrola has a point, it’s worth noting that the mayor didn’t specify what exactly he wanted people to grow a pair of. Puberty results in growing different things for different ten year olds, but most of them do grow in pairs.

A safe zone in or near a school building is a great idea, because that’s the only language bullies can truly understand – a clearly marked sign, detailing exactly when and where they are not allowed to bully others. Conversely, such a sign would also detail exactly when and where bullying would be permitted. Namely, everywhere outside the carefully marked perimeter of the designated safe zone. So let’s take that idea and expand on it. Why not designate the entire United States of America as a “bully-free safe zone”? Such a bold move would show those young punks how serious we are about combating injustice on a nationwide scale.
That’s not the only thing we’d need to put on those signs, though. How about guns? It’s been scientifically proven that when a shopping mall or college campus is declared a gun-free zone, there is zero chance of a gun being fired there. Don’t even try arguing against this. The debate is over. The science is settled. The great laboratory of these United States has found that the solution to both these problems is proper signage. After all, what’s the only thing that has ever stopped a bad guy with a gun? A stern sign warning that using that gun would be wrong, of course.

While we’re busy putting these signs up all around the perimeter of our country, let’s throw in the illegal immigration issue and solve that. The only reason people try sneaking into our great nation is that they haven’t been properly educated about how wrong and illegal their actions are. Of course, the “illegal immigrant-free safe zone” sign would need to be posted in multiple languages, so there’d be no ambiguity over our sovereign rules and regulations. And airports with international arrivals would need signs posted at Customs as well.

Think of the economic impact of implementing a plan like this. We’d need to put up signs about every hundred feet or so, to make sure no one missed them, from Washington State straight across to Maine, down to the Florida Keys, and around to San Diego and back up the Pacific coast. Manufacturing these signs alone would employ hundreds, perhaps thousands of steelworkers, construction workers, translators, and proofreaders. Because there’s nothing more embarrassing that a typographical error on a “bully-free, gun-free, illegal immigrant-free sign.”

I know, I know. There are problems with this plan. The biggest one is obvious: what about Alaska and Hawaii? Simple solution. These two states have the best resources to combat these issues in other ways. Hawaii will soon welcome its native son, Barack Obama, back to the place of his birth. He’d be a shoo-in as governor if he wanted it. If not, don’t fret; Hawaii once had a king, and they might just want one again. Our president has proven time and time again that all he needs to do to make something happen is to speak it into existence. This unique skill would eliminate the need for signs all over the pristine beaches of Maui.
As for the frozen tundra of Alaska, I’d bet you those pioneers would be able to handle the occasional bully, armed felon, or illegal immigrant from Eastern Russia or British Columbia themselves, without needing a sign. If you we born and still live in Alaska, chances are, your pair is fully developed. As for the rest of us, well, here’s your sign.
NostraDennis is executive producer of The American Adversaries Drive Time, which airs weekdays at 5pm Eastern on AM 660/The Answer in Orlando, Florida, and at

VA Scandal or Routine


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Never Trust a Big Butt and a Smile


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