“1st Impression” Conservatism And The Battle For America


There’s a sign that reads “You are now entering the mission field” as you exit the parking lot of my church. As a result, the church is culturally diverse and has grown exponentially without compromising biblical truth. In my late teens, I worked for a major warehouse retailer. The manager demanded employees smile and speak to every customer that crossed our path without exception. Within a year of the grand opening, our sales doubled. My church and my former employer understand what conservatives often do not: Cultural change is a way of life, not a biannual vote. Fortunately, there is a solution.

If conservatives refuse to profess our beliefs in the public square boldly and often, if we neglect to strategically share our ideas through ads, radio and TV, with the goals of both incrementally emboldening conservatives within their circles of influence and normalizing our values once again, no less than America and Western civilization are at stake.

We’re all familiar with the cliche “You never get a second chance to make a first impression.” Likewise, many of us are familiar with Saul Alinsky’s “Rules for Radicals.” The left has mastered marrying the two concepts together to advance its agenda. A great example of this can be found in a 1987 article entitled “The Overhauling of Straight America.” In the article, columnists Marshall Kirk and Erastes Pill outline six rules to change the image of gays in America. Here are the six things they set out to accomplish:

  1. Talk about gays and gayness as loudly and as often as possible.
  2. Portray gays as victims, not as aggressive challengers.
  3. Give protectors a just cause.
  4. Make gays look good.
  5. Make the victimizers look bad.
  6. Solicit funds: The buck stops here.

Every rule came with specific instructions on how to bring about change to advance their agenda, including vilifying any opposition. Oddly enough, they left out the two institutions that would ultimately bring them the most success – college and the courts. Nonetheless, they understood how useless it was to leave their fate to politicians and their adversaries. There’s a lesson for conservatives here, and it hit me after attending an event.

Conservatism, liberty and even things in and of themselves cannot be the focus of our cause. People must be! Don’t get me wrong; I believe we care about empowering people more than liberals. I also understand that individual liberty is our ultimate goal for everyone. However, we’re dealing with a culture that has never been taught about American Exceptionalism, and frankly, the culture thinks we’re evil. So what do we do?

We put conservatism on display. At the aforementioned event I attended, I observed conservatives who were seemingly more concerned about getting the most bang for their buck than showing appreciation for the hired help. The workers included waiters, waitresses and a small clean-up crew. Instead, a couple people complained out loud about the food and our portions. Listen, I’m a big guy who loves big portions, but we were at a fundraiser! Everyone knows the portions are for female models weighing less than 110 pounds. I couldn’t help but to think how many potential converts we may have lost to our side of the aisle. What a missed opportunity!

Imagine if someone had pulled the help aside to thank them, tip them, explain the virtues of hard work, lower taxes, generosity and the freedom to follow your dreams. Seeing as how the left dominates social media, we can’t travel faster than an instant tweet, Instagram, or Facebook post. However, what we can do is be the “real” people that beat the left to a compliment or a conversation about the greatness of America and why we should be thankful to live here. Our conservatism should be infectious.

Take opportunities to thank the worker at the fast food drive-thru when you get good service. Tell them you’ll pray for their promotion and why. Plant seeds of success. Don’t be a cheapskate! Tip your waitress well and leave her a card with your favorite candidate’s name on it. Strike up a brief conversation with your grocery store clerk on the benefits of capitalism, after complimenting him, of course. If you’re invited to a wedding, be sure and provide a copy of Dave Ramsey’s “Total Money Makeover” with a crisp $100 bill inside with a note. Teach the widow next door how to invest her money so Social Security isn’t her sole means of income. We can’t afford to leave retail politics up to politicians anymore. Too many citizens have grown partisan, and most of the time they can’t provide a cogent argument as to why.

If we’re going to save America, our refuge, hope and trust must not be in the ballot box alone but rather in its greatest asset – people.

Read more at http://www.wnd.com/2015/07/1st-impression-conservatism-and-the-battle-for-america/#R76pXvRxOlGAMx2m.99


Four Reasons The Left Should Love Capitalism But Don’t


Capitalism has a new competitor and its name is “shame.” The left is determined to make capitalism morally reprehensible. Cloaked in provocative terms like “income inequality,” wealth redistribution has become the popular economic philosophy in America today, but it doesn’t hold a candle to capitalism. When your first grade teacher asked the class “what do you want to be when you get big?” I’m doubtful anyone raised their hand to say “ooh, ooh, a welfare recipient!” I’m also certain your classmates never pointed to posters of their teen idols to say “anyone but them!” In other words, socialism isn’t natural; no one grows up with aspirations of government dependency–unless you live in Greece!

Socialists intentionally suppress creativity and innovation by discouraging individual God-given talent and encouraging dependency. In short, your failure is required for its success! Atheists Karl Marx and Frederick Engels believed that religion was the anti-depressant for the oppressed working class. Engels, in particular, believed that when society adopted socialism the economic chains of the working class would be eliminated, thereby eliminating the need for religion altogether. At the root of socialist philosophy is the demand that you forfeit your faith, and the dreams God birthed in you. Additionally, socialists would like you to believe that without coercion, individuals are incapable or unwilling to be generous to their neighbor with their own hard earned money. It’s just not true! What is true, however, is thievery via over-taxation has never incentivized productivity.

Capitalism doesn’t come with a warranty or “money back” guarantee. Yet, it encourages individuality, creativity, opportunity, risk taking, ambition, pride, dignity, a sense of accomplishment, promotion, and provision. Capitalism isn’t a perfect system because people are imperfect. Nonetheless, the lazy, stagnant and ambitious are rewarded fairly and equitably. As much as the left professes their disdain for capitalism, they’ve yet to offer a better system. The reason is simple; it doesn’t exist! Therefore, I’ve developed four reasons the left should love capitalism but don’t. Here they are:

1.) Capitalism allows you to fulfill your God given purpose: Our intelligent designer has inspired our dreams and purpose. Government can’t produce your dreams, but they can take them away by creating an atmosphere that undermines our faith in God and the abilities He’s equipped us with. When God is banished from society, government acts as our moral authority and by extension an arbiter of our dreams. The only work that matters to the government is that which is needed to sustain it. Individuality and imagination threaten the status quo of socialism. Capitalism allows man’s purpose to flourish by exposing our strengths and weaknesses in the marketplace.

2.) Capitalism provides for your family: The Bible instructs us to leave an inheritance to our “children’s children.” The Left’s “War on Poverty” is a perfect example of how socialism destroys the family by discouraging work. The black American family particularly has suffered greatly under the hand of government benevolence, going from a marriage rate of over 70 percent pre- War on Poverty , to an out-of-wedlock birth rate of over 70 percent in just two generations. When the Bible says “if a man doesn’t work he shall not eat,” but our entitlements train our citizens that you don’t have to work to eat, we’re witnessing the beginning of the end of this once exceptional nation.

3.) Capitalism buys you cool stuff: Can we stop acting like self-righteous phonies! We all go to work hoping to better our position in life. The coolest thing about making money is the joy of spending it and building wealth. When our priorities are in order, we should feel guiltless for rewarding ourselves. Immigrants all over the world flock to America to accomplish what we take for granted– the American Dream. God blessed Abraham and Joseph beyond belief as a result of their faithfulness to him. If He isn’t ashamed of blessing those who work hard with wealth, neither should we be.

4.) Capitalism helps you bless others: Socialism is dependent upon capitalism. Non-profit organizations must depend on for-profit organizations and their employees to thrive. Consider when you buy a car, the maker, salesman, mechanic, tire specialist and gas attendant will keep their jobs. When my pastor takes up a missions or benevolence offering the poor, widow and orphan will be blessed. If a family member is living paycheck- to-paycheck, the best help and coach for restoring their finances and coaching them to prosperity and out of the welfare line is you, not Uncle Sam.

You are uniquely qualified to be you. In America “income inequality” is a state of mind. If we all take the time to invest in our own interest, dreams and gifts, perhaps there would be fewer “rich people haters” and more of us getting rich.

Cool White People Every Black Person Should Know


Throughout history whites and blacks have worked together to end racial discrimination. Carl introduces you to modern day civil rights activist that happen to be white.

How to Feed His Sheep


How do you help impoverished kids w/no hope make it out of the ‘hood? New Image Youth Center will tell us how.

Charleston: The Unintended Consequences of A Racially Divisive President (Podcast)

Charleston: The Unintended Consequences of A Racially Divisive President

Charleston: The Unintended Consequences of A Racially Divisive President

Where sin abounds grace does much more abound. I’m confident that Charleston, SC won’t become the next Ferguson or Baltimore despite the president or his Justice Departments egging it on. There are simply too many praying people in “the holy city” of Charlseton. The people of Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church led by Reverend Clementa Pinckney have bared a tragedy no one should endure, and yet the church of Christ is showing the world how to unite in the midst of tragedy and grief. Having said that, it’s time for the church to rise up and be intolerant of evil racists everywhere whether their name is Dylann Storm Roof or Barack Hussein Obama!

I can only imagine what must have crossed Dylann Roof’s mind as he observed the riots of Ferguson, Missouri and Baltimore, Maryland unfold. A psychopathic racist fueled by hate took in the visual stimuli that would serve as the clarion call for race wars in his evil mind. Every single chant of “hands up, don’t shoot,” and “no justice, no peace” would only embolden him. Maybe the president would come in and speak words of peace – calm the storm. He didn’t. Instead he used identity politics to federalize local police departments. In Dylann Roofs mind, blacks were taking over and the time to stop them was now.

Two “isms” helped to create Dylann Roof…racism and leftism. In today’s society we’re no longer challenged to consider moral cause and effect. We’ve removed God from the public square and replaced Him with Instagram and Twitter. Every millenial wants to be famous for something even if it’s evil or mundane, and as evidenced by the victim he left behind “to tell the world what happened,” he wanted to be famous for murdering blacks. Obama didn’t shoot the gun, but by creating an atmosphere of racial division, he certainly has contributed to the mindset that brings out the worst in racist of all colors.

Carl, “don’t make this political!” Why not!? We’ve asked God to leave our schools, universities, our places of business and employment, our entertainment venues, our marriages, and even some of our houses of worship. Because He’s a gentleman He listened. Isn’t the political sphere amongst the places God is needed most? Shouldn’t Obama be working to unite Americans?

Dylann Roof is solely responsible for the murders of the nine victims that attended the Bible study that fateful day and I hope he gets the death penalty. But we can’t go on pretending that race-baiters don’t create fertile ground that incentivize racist bigots to take action, then tear down anyone that has the courage to speak the truth. Most presidents enter into office with the hopes of creating an economic environment that will help Americans thrive. Obama on the other hand, seems to get a thrill from stoking the racial embers that may remain smoldering in hidden corners.

Random acts of evil will always occur on this side of eternity. But when they do, leaders don’t lecture, they carry us through to the other side. I suppose, I shouldn’t be surprised about President Obama’s knee jerk reaction to the Charleston shooting. The opportunity to exploit dead black bodies has never been above his pay grade. The truth of the matter is people of faith, particularly Christians, are being slaughtered at the hands of ISIS daily yet Obama remains silent. Why? Because it doesn’t fit his agenda to “fundamentally transform” America.

It’s time for powder puff Christians to wake up! I’ve heard many Christians ask “how could such an evil act happen in the House of God?” If Christ was beaten, humiliated and crucified we can’t expect to live life happily ever after when we profess His name.

Lastly, President Obama is trained in the art of agitation. As we’ve already seen, he refuses to let a “good crisis” go to waste. Before the bodies of the victims had grown cold, our president had determined to make this a Second Amendment issue. In response to those that would seek to have us waiver on our Second Amendment rights, I have a question to ask. When evil as dark as Dylann Roof lifts its ugly head, wouldn’t you rather someone with a gun kill him and protect those nine innocent black Christians?

Black lives matter right, or do they?