There’s nothing more annoying than politicians who quote the Bible out of context for political expediency or justification. And, such is the case with John Kasich.

Matthew 25:31-46 is often cited by proponents of government expansion because it speaks of feeding and clothing the needy, as well as visiting the sick and imprisoned. Contextually, it speaks to the judgment of gentiles (non-Jews), not the function of government! In fact, Matthew 6:1-4 reminds Christians when you give to the poor, don’t shout it out so you can be noticed by your homies (Black International Version); otherwise, you’re a hypocrite.

Due to his Medicaid expansion in Ohio, Gov. Kasich has no shot at winning the GOP presidential primary. In order to avoid what I like to call “faux compassion,” we need to define what it means to be truly compassionate, needy and helpful. Additionally, we need to determine these things on God’s terms, not our own.

One’s compassion or heart cannot be measured through coercion because it requires no individual effort on our part. Demanding the government take more income from someone else besides yourself hardly qualifies as generosity. That’s theft! God doesn’t determine benevolence based upon how much you’re “forced” to give to the needy, as opposed to how much you’re “willing” to give. In other words, when you die and answer to God for your alms giving, His mercy won’t be based upon taxation – that’s required. His mercy will be based on your giving that isn’t required. That’s why pastors, in most cases, ask for your tithes and offerings outside of the government. The attitude in which you give it, not necessarily the amount, is what determines your generosity. This is why Christ was so moved by the woman that placed all of her change on the offering plate. It cost her everything!

Gov. Kasich is a classic example of why it’s dangerous for followers of Jesus Christ to focus on any one attribute of God, such as mercy or love, at the exclusion of others. For example, God is righteous, absolute truth, just, faithful, omnipotent, omniscient, omnipresent, holy, sovereign and intimate. It’s important to understand that institutionalism will not replace what God really wants from us – intimacy. The idea that politicians are credited with “compassion” by confiscating the time, money and energy from the lives of others should be offensive to us all.

Next, we need to determine who is truly needy amongst us. Those who suffer from chronic indigence resulting from circumstances “beyond their control” should be obvious; the orphan, widow, cripple and severely injured, mentally retarded and, in some cases, spouses who have been abandoned by the sole provider of the household. Frankly, beyond that, everyone else should be thoroughly scrutinized before receiving any government assistance.

Proverbs 10:4 tells us: “Lazy hands make a man poor, but diligent hands bring wealth.” Therefore, whenever we consider “helping” people, whether or not we’re contributing to perpetual laziness or an entitlement mindset should always be a determining factor for public assistance. Otherwise, people will never seek better opportunity for themselves. Hunger is a great motivator for success. As a Christian, I do believe we should help people in need from the wealth of our own pockets. However, 2 Thessalonians 3:10 informs us, “If a man doesn’t work, he shall not eat.”

Medicaid expansion will do nothing to improve the quality or access of health care in America – particularly when the system is overrun by crumb snatchers and we have a shortage of doctors. Instead of offering to hand Bibles to Medicaid expansion critics, as Gov. Kasich proposed, perhaps the nation would be better off if he studied his own Bible.



Is “God Control” Causing Mass Shootings?


It didn’t take long for President Obama to blame the object – a gun – used by the murderer of the Umpqua Community College massacre in Roseburg, Oregon, rather than the murderer himself. Nor did he mention the fact that the victims were shot execution style in the head as they confessed their Christian faith to the murderer one at a time, when asked at gunpoint. If leftists were as adamant about keeping God in schools, as they are about keeping guns off school campuses, I believe we’d have fewer mass shootings.

Without the God of the Bible, morals are relative. The victims of the murderer, which happened to be Christian, valued life. The murderer, obviously, did not. We can continue to pretend, and get nowhere, that pieces of metal are responsible when acts of evil like this occur, or we can choose to address the real issue: the lack of eternal consequences taught to our kids today. If a person grows up believing he’ll be punished in this life, and the one to come, by committing such a heinous crime, do you think he’d be more or less likely to murder someone? This is such an important and obvious question. Unfortunately, the left refuses to ask it. As a result, we have a generation of kids that don’t understand cause and effect.

If God isn’t talked about in our schools, why should we act surprised when students act like it?

Leftists want to blame guns and extremists whenever these atrocities repeat themselves. However, it is unchecked evil that’s to blame – evil often brought on by the left’s pursuit of a completely secular America. The truth is, if the left valued life as they claim, they’d place more gun-toting, Black Lives Matter hated cops on campuses to protect our kids from harm. Perhaps they’d even consider abiding by the Second Amendment and allow the good guys to conceal their guns. You don’t stop evil by banning guns! You stop evil by killing evil people! The left can’t understand this. Without God as a source of objective truth, how could they?

In his book “God Is The Issue,” Brad Bright (son of Bill Bright, founder of Campus Crusade for Christ) predicted that we would see many more mass shootings because “we live in a culture without a moral anchor.” He went on to explain how Christian conservatives must begin to make the rhetorical connection between violence with guns and God being excluded from our school system, immediately following these mass shootings – much like advocates of stricter gun control laws, such as Barack Obama, who swoop in right after a shooting, despite having limited facts, to argue for gun confiscation. Brad Bright argues that “When the average parent in America comes to sincerely believe that the safety of his or her own children are at serious risk if God is not a part of education, then the opposition will be hard put to exclude ‘God’ from the schools.”

The Oregon mass murderer, Chris Harper-Mercer, singled out Christians before executing them. Before he shot them, he told them they would see God in “one second.” Too bad, he wasn’t taught that we would, too. I’m certain that meeting didn’t go well.






Virtually everything you need to know about the ineffectiveness of liberalism in America can be found in Los Angeles’ homeless epidemic.

For instance, liberals love spending other people’s money to fix problems they’ve caused, but are often unwilling to use their own money to “change the world.” Liberals love looking good amongst their peers and the media in order to feel good about themselves, whether or not an issue is resolved. Liberals often perpetuate existing problems by focusing on the symptoms, while ignoring the causes. Once liberals realize their policies aren’t working, the solution almost always is to take more of your hard-earned money to throw at the problem. Lastly, you can rest assure, when liberals develop new government programs, they will benefit just as much as their intended recipients. And such is the case in Los Angeles.

Since Democratic Mayor Eric Garcetti took office in 2013, homelessness in L.A. has skyrocketed 12 percent. The mayor has proposed using $13 million in tax revenues for short-term housing projects for the brick-and-mortar challenged. City Councilman Gilbert Cedillo is planning to use $100 million dollars to initiate a fight against the homeless crisis as well. In fact, the city is so concerned they’re prepared to declare a “state of emergency.” What’s the reasoning behind this sudden care for the “least of these” in the City of Angels? Compassion? No. The answer is they’re hoping to secure a bid for the 2024 Summer Olympics, and transients are such a growing eye soar city leaders are afraid they might affect L.A.’s chances of winning the bid.

If that weren’t enough, many of America’s richest liberals, who often preach about the evils of capitalism and selfish Republicans, can be found in some of California’s most exclusive neighborhoods. Cities such as Hollywood, Beverly Hills, Bel Air, Brentwood and other affluent communities are just miles away from the cities notorious Skid Row. With such concentrated wealth in such close proximity to the epicenter of the crisis, you have to wonder why these superstars aren’t voluntarily donating more of their own time and money to solve the problem. The answer: Liberalism only requires that you acknowledge problems to receive accolades from your peers; you don’t have to address them. In order to take homelessness head-on in the U.S., we’ll need to do what liberals don’t do – take a look at what’s causing it.

So, what are the causes of much homelessness in America? According to a column on entitled “Homelessness: Describing the Symptoms, Prescribing a Cure,” most homeless people tend to be men, severely mentally disturbed, drug and alcohol addicted or both, lacking an education, in more than half the cases having a criminal record, and lastly suffering from the effects of a bad local economy. Additionally, with fewer Americans in the labor force and rising unemployment numbers, we’re beginning to see higher numbers of homeless families across the landscape. According to the National Center on Family Homelessness, in 1988 only 1 percent of the homeless population were families. As of 2012, that number had risen to a whopping 38 percent.

So what are the real solutions to bring this growing epidemic under control? First off, we have to begin thinking long-term. Government housing projects that reward homeless people with free or low-rent housing without addressing the cause of their homelessness are useless. Any local tax revenue used to help the homeless should be allocated to privately owned and operated transitional housing facilities that have mental health counselors, administrators, vocational trainers and life coaches on staff that are better equipped to deal with drug addicts, ex-convicts and low-skilled workers and their behavior on a daily basis. Usually, faith-based centers do this very well. Unfortunately, too many homeless people know they can game the system; therefore, these centers go ignored.

As far as the severely mentally ill are concerned, we must consider institutionalizing them on a long-term basis. Of course, a legal guardian from the family needs to be assigned to each person’s case to prevent abuse by staff members at the facility. Arrangements for release, if possible, can be worked out between the hospital and the family advocate.

Thirdly, we have to elect politicians on federal, state and local levels who don’t believe stealing more of your hard-earned money to sustain their careers is the solution to every societal problem. Demonize corporations and CEO’s all you want, the fact is, when they’re overtaxed, many of them – who make less than you think – have to choose between feeding their family or yours. My hunch is you’ll lose every time.

Remember, leftism doesn’t require results, only good intentions. Liberals are lauded and praised no matter how much they screw up someone’s life. However, for those of us that have a conservative bent, to love our neighbor properly, we mustn’t wait for politicians to do what God has asked us to do.



Call Me Sexist – I Prefer Male Warriors


We don’t have to imagine what ISIS would do if they captured an American female on the battlefield. Kayla Mueller’s captivity and death at the hands of the perverted Islamists told us all we needed to know.

Pretending Army Rangers or Navy SEALs wouldn’t be inclined to pay special attention to protect a female in combat, despite risking their own safety and by extension the mission, defies their honor and denies science. Protecting women from physical harm is what real men do!

Capt. Kristen Griest and 1st Lt. Shaye Haver made history for being the first two women to graduate from the U.S. Army’s elite Ranger School. What these ladies accomplished was no less than extraordinary, and they should be applauded! However, as exceptional as it is, normative it is not.

I’m sorry, but if I’m being held captive in an ISIS hellhole, fully aware they’re going to saw my head off at any given moment, I’m praying to God that Chris Kyle, the Littrell brothers, Col. Allen West, or Col. Danny McKnight (retired Army Ranger of the infamous BlackHawk Down battle and Author of “Streets of Mogadishu”) will be busting down the doors to come to my rescue. Additionally, I don’t want the added guilt weighing on my conscience that one of our soldiers is being held as a sex slave because of me. Political correctness has no place on the battlefield where lives are lost or saved in an instant. The very attributes about men that radical feminists despise are the very ones that make for some of America’s finest soldiers – attributes such as stubbornness, bravado, singular focus, competitiveness, strength and athleticism, adventurism, bravery, assertiveness, etc.

At 5 years of age I can recall stealing my sister’s Barbie dolls from her room to play matchmaker for my G.I. Joes. I’d place my toy soldier on the driver’s side of my Tonka Truck and the Barbie in the passenger seat. They’d drive off into the sunset, arriving at my makeshift campground, where on occasion they were ambushed by little green soldiers and Indians. You’d be surprised at how many plastic figurines G.I. Joes could kill in just a matter of seconds. After saving his date’s life, Sgt. Slaughter would open the car door for Barbie and they’d proceed to go swimming in the extremely muddy pool. Don’t tell my sister.

Here’s the point: Boys are born with a God-given nature to protect in times of tumult and chaos. I’ll even go so far as to say that a man’s ability to protect a woman or himself gives him a sense of purpose and satisfaction in life that is virtually unparalleled. Again, it’s not sexism. It’s science.

Consider these names: Alek Skarlatos, Spencer Stone, Anthony Sadler, Chris Normal and Mark Moogalian. Who’s missing from that list? I’ll tell you. It’s all the names of the women that did not thwart the jihadist attacker that boarded a high-speed French train last Friday. If we’re honest, none of us would expect a woman – exception being Ronda Rousey of the UFC – to risk her life to save others as men stand idly by.

It’s a soldiers job to kill people and break stuff, and to do so decisively. Right now, a liberal is calling me an idiot for writing that last sentence. But the problem with the left is they project and even force their worldview onto Islamists. In other words, they expect terrorists to think and behave like Americans. In times of war, we want our enemies’ grandchildren telling the stories of what happened to their ancestors when they messed with the U.S. Unfortunately, ISIS and Iran will be telling their children less than flattering stories about the “Great Satan” and how they tormented our hostages. Women have always played valuable roles in our military. But leave our Special Forces to the men!

While many women elect to be stay-at-home moms for their kids, over the last several decades they’ve proven time and again that they are capable of doing many of the same jobs men do. When it comes to our Special Ops fighting forces, however, lets abandon political correctness and stick to the science; no one can break or kill things like men. Muscles and genetics matter. Let’s stop pretending otherwise.





Far too often white cops are the first respectable male authority figures young black males come in contact with. Unfortunately, by the time they meet, seven out of 10 times the black suspect has never had a father figure to love him and guide him through life. Therefore, it’s incumbent upon law enforcement to discipline him when the stakes are higher. Imagine that first impression.

Wearing a badge in America’s inner cities isn’t enough to garner respect. Due to the lack of fathers in the ‘hood, today’s cops have to be social workers, pastors, life coaches, Santa Claus at Christmas, relational counselors on domestic violence calls and, of course, police – leaving many ill equipped for their job. On top of all of that, their public image is being purposely tarnished by the left-wing media and the Obama administration, who have strategically used false racial narratives surrounding the deaths of Trayvon Martin, Mike Brown and Freddie Gray to keep blacks mad so they’ll vote for Democrats again in 2016. The hashtag #BlackLivesMatter has become a symbol of frustration from blacks who are fed up with perceived widespread police brutality, but more dangerously, it’s become a death sentence for our police around the country.

How do we remedy that? It’s going to be a long process to undo what the left has done to our cops – destroyed their reputation. However, I believe there’s hope. Here’s anecdotal evidence from my own life:

Growing up in Los Angeles, I hated cops! In hindsight I realize it wasn’t for anything they had done to me, but due to stories I’d heard growing up with my peers, or things I watched on television and movies. When NWA (Niggaz With Attitudes) came out with their hit single “F@#% The Police,” my friends and I sang it like it was going out of style. When we saw one of LAPD’s black and white squad cars pass by on the streets, we’d sing it as if we were in a school choir, staring them down until their car disappeared out of sight. On a occasion when we were stopped by the cops, either for ditching school or at times for dressing like gang members, I can recall thinking “only if these punks didn’t have their badges.” We mocked their motto “To protect and to serve.”

The streets taught me that police were against me, not for me. As a result, I looked for opportunities to justify my hatred toward them. In one instance, two truancy officers, one black and one Mexican, stopped my friends and me while we were walking. They asked if we’d ever been arrested. We said no. They responded by saying, “That’s surprising, most kids we pick up have.” Those words left an indelible impression on me. I already believed minority cops were “sellouts,” but now I believed they didn’t think highly of me, either. I know now that they were just speaking to the realities of my neighborhood. However, for young black men without dads or a role model, those words are often prophetic.

Having said that, all of us need our cops! We should be blessing and praying for safety and wisdom for those who protect our neighborhoods daily. The Bible teaches us in Romans 13:3 that we don’t have to hold any fear for the one in authority (cops in this case) if we do what’s right, but we should fear them when we do evil.

What the #BlackLivesMatter movement doesn’t care to understand is that there would be fewer blacks alive today were it not for cops. In his article “Urban Areas Seeing Spikes In Homicides,” Matt Vespa unveiled the rising murder rates in our big cities, due in part to violent criminals settling their own disputes and cops that are too afraid to do their job due to the national scrutiny and backlash every time there’s a physical altercation or shooting with a black thug.

Inner-city relationships with police had come a long way since NWA arrived on the scene and the Rodney King beating. I believe there are long-term solutions cops and blacks can do to restore mutual respect for another, starting with abandoning the extremists like President Obama in the Democratic Party who live to stir up division between races. Here are a few more solutions:

  1. Cops should recruit and hire within the community. There’s no one better for the community than someone who takes pride in protecting the neighborhood they grew up in. It’s easier to understand the plight, even of the occasional lawbreaker, if you know the struggles that exist within the community. This will lead to fewer physical altercations between our cops and suspects.
  2. Cops should hire fewer college graduates as patrol cops unless they themselves have made it out of the ‘hood. A person who hasn’t grown up around crime will often over react to it. Criminals don’t respect bullies.
  3. Cops must be friendly whenever possible. Just saying “hi” to people in the neighborhood and letting them know you want to protect them goes a long way. Your only conversations shouldn’t be with criminals alone.
  4. Cops must introduce themselves to positive community leaders who will give you opportunities to volunteer at local sporting events, speak in schools and feed the homeless.

For blacks:

  1. Fire any politician that proposes “more regulation.” Stupid regulations in New York led to Eric Garner’s death. Cops shouldn’t have to worry about petty crimes that take them away from the real criminals hurting the community. They’re not babysitters!
  2. Stop penalizing cops for your own sin. Fewer intact families will always lead to more criminality. If you haven’t raised your kids right, it’s not the cops responsibility to start.
  3. Don’t assume the worst of police. Speak to them respectfully and follow their instructions. A good cop will reciprocate respect. If they’ve done something unlawful, report them after contact.
  4. Stop telling your kids the cops are coming when they cheat on a test. Kids don’t need a new bogeyman.

Kindness leads to repentance. We have to find ways to be kind to one another.


Black Jobs Matter


Employed people typically don’t become criminals. Law-abiding Americans have approximately 16 months before President Obama vacates the White House. Until then, just like Trayvon Martin in 2012 and Michael Brown in 2014, Democrats will exploit the criminal element in the Black Lives Matter movement to keep the presidency in 2017.

Once they’re done with blacks, they will abandon them to their jobless communities until their votes are needed again in 2018. Fortunately for conservatives, somewhere between the falsely reported U3 and U6 unemployment numbers, lies an opportunity to reclaim black voters.

Have you noticed how the president gets away with reporting erroneous unemployment numbers? Likewise, have you heard a peep from Republicans about the real unemployment numbers?

Avoiding the chronic unemployment rates in black and minority communities across America could be a detriment to the GOP in 2016, as it allows Democrat candidates, such as Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders, to perpetually blame the rich, white racists in the GOP and big corporations for their economic plight. The GOP should take this fight to the left, focusing on its wealth redistribution policies – which disproportionately steal money from middle-class workers to give welfare to the poor and lazy. Since most rich people outside of the NFL, NBA and MLB no longer “earn” incomes per se, Obama’s and Hillary’s homies typically escape their wrath.

The U3 number represents the number of full-time workers who have lost their jobs, whereas the U6 unemployment number outlines three components: the number of full-time workers who have lost their jobs, the number of full-time workers who have had their hours cut to become part-time workers, and the number of jobless people who have become so discouraged in their search for a job that they’ve given up altogether. Obama is the first president who has gotten away with exclusively reporting the U3 unemployment number as if it were the U6 number. For the life of me, I can’t figure out why the GOP won’t shout this from the rooftops!

If a Republican wins the White House in 2016, you can be sure left-wing media will report the real unemployment number – the U6 unemployment rate. Meanwhile, Maliek, Tyrone and Rayshawn are left believing the economy was better under a Democrat president, despite being unemployed, all because the GOP didn’t bother to speak up. Consequently, they now have free time to protest and riot with Black Lives Matter, or end up as a star on A&E’s “The First 48.”

According to the latest numbers of Obama’s Bureau of Labor Statistics, the current unemployment rate stands at 5.1 percent. Normally, this would be great news!

However, since our president receives little to no scrutiny from several major media outlets because he’s black and Democrat, Americans aren’t being told the truth about the job crisis we’re in. More than 94 million workers 16 years of age and older are out of the workforce entirely. This easily puts the real unemployment number over 10 percent for whites. The unemployment rate among Latinos and blacks is even higher. Maybe blacks have the propensity to protest and riot because, well, they have the time to.

One way for the GOP to stand up to Black Lives Matter is to create an environment where jobs matter again. The left needs high unemployment rates to maintain their dependent constituency. Americans instinctively know this. That’s why Trumps slogan, “Making America Great Again,” is resonating so strongly.

As conservatives, however, we understand that making America great means making individuals great by inspiring them to be all God created them to be. Frankly, I’d love to hear a slogan aimed at blacks that says, “More jobs, less rioting,” but I suppose that wouldn’t be politically correct.